Physics PhD from the Universitat de València (2012). I worked in different European research centres on the dynamics of complex systems and computational neuroscience, and in the private sector as a data scientist and consultant. You can check more details of my professional bio here.
Scientific publications
Neural coding
VBS, S. Deny, G. Martius, O. Marre, G. Tkačik
Nonlinear decoding of a complex movie from the mammalian retina (2018)
PLoS Comput Biol 14(5): e1006057 arXiv
O. Marre, VBS, K. D. Simmons, T. Mora, G. Tkačik, M. J. Berry II
High accuracy decoding of dynamical motion from a large retinal population (2015)
PLoS Comput Biol 11(7): e1004304 arXiv
Complex Adaptive networks
VBS, P. Glendinning
Emergence of hierarchical networks and polysynchronous behaviour in simple adaptive systems (2012)
Europhysics Letters 97 50004 eprint arXiv
VBS, P. Glendinning
Hierarchy and polysynchrony in an adaptive network (2014)
Physical Review E 89 062809 arXiv
Neural oscillations
VBS, M. Valderrama, B. Crépon, V. Navarro, M. Le Van Quyen
Large-scale cortical dynamics of sleep slow waves (2012)
PLoS ONE 7(2): e30757
M. Valderrama, B. Crépon, VBS, J. Martinerie, D. Hasboun, C. Alvarado-Rojas, M. Baulac, C. Adam, V. Navarro, M. Le Van Quyen
Human gamma oscillations during slow wave sleep (2012)
PLoS ONE 7(4): e33477
M. Le Van Quyen, VBS, M. Valderrama
Scaling up or down the multi-scale brain dynamics by neuronal oscillations (2013)
In Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics: from Molecules to the Brain. Wiley & Sons.
ISBN-13: 978-3-527-41198-6.
Chaotic maps
VBS, J.A.Oteo, J.Ros
Dynamics of a map with a power-law tail (2009)
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 385101 arXiv
VBS, J.M.Castelo, J.A.Oteo, J.Ros
Bifurcations in the Lozi map (2011)
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 305101 arXiv
VBS, J.A.Oteo, J.Ros
Coexistence of periods in a bifurcation (2012)
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45, 681-686 arXiv
VBS, J.A. Oteo, J. Ros, P. Glendinning
Lyapunov exponent and topological entropy plateaus in piecewise linear maps (2013)
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 125101 arXiv