Talks, courses and workshops for general audiences, professors and secondary education students.
Interested in a talk or course? Contact me.
How do machines learn? An introduction to Artificial Intelligence (90min)
All about AI, Big Data and data science, for every audience. No maths required. We talk algorithms, applications and consequences in our daily life.
An ordered introduction to Chaos (90min)
Chaos Theory explained simply to understand the conceptual revolution of the Butterfly Effect in all sorts of places: neurons, atmospheres or planetary systems.
Music, physics, and maths (90min)
Some of the scientific principles and mathematical curiosities behind music: from sound production and perception to the relationship between irrational numbers and musical scales. Completed with live experiments and demonstrations.
“Handle with care”: Critical thinking tools for data consumers (2h)
Data is everywhere. In the media, on the internet, we are constantly being bombarded by numbers, graphs, and colourful maps. Some data are true, some are not, and even true data can be misleading. In this context, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. How can we learn and teach others to find orientation in a world of data? In this workshop we will discuss the most common ways in which data and graphs can be misleading and some tools and tips to improve our data consuming skills, with practical examples and exercises.
Interested in a talk or workshop? contact me!